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  • Writer's pictureLittlelamb

Making your own Perfume in a Traditional setting

I first found out about this kind of workshop from one of my favorite Vlogger. I thought it was pretty interesting as i get to custom make a scent that i like and suits me. So i went and did some research.

I found that the one the Vlogger went to is called Grandhand and it's situated in SamCheongDong.

Their classes are usually 2 - 4 people groups, you'll have to book in advance though. You can do so through their e-mail and visit their instagram. At their shop their also sell fragrance satchels, candles and perfumes. They make nice gifts as they personalize it by stamping the recipients name on the product. They hand fragrance satchels along the wall outside as well so have fun sniffing.

This is their price list in 2017.

Then i found another place on Airbnb. It's called Aromind and is situated in Bukchon/ Sam cheong dong. You get to take home a 50 ml and 15 ml bottle of perfume , packaged in a nice little box, which makes packing easier when you want to fly home. You also get to choose the bottle design and label. This work shop costs RM 241 per person, which was about 63,000 won, making it slightly cheaper that the first place. Although Rm 241 for a class may seem expensive, once i took into account that a bottle of branded perfume generally costs almost the same it was worth the price. And this way i even get to customize the scent to my liking.

In the end both my cousins and I decided on this place. We were on a cousins trip 😊 but my sister didn't join as she has a very sensitive nose. We choose the night class, and the walk from the station was nice although there's a small incline to walk up to the venue.

When we got there we are seated at a long table, there were about 8 of us. The class is held in an old korean home, so it's really cozy and smells so good. We were served tea while we have the class. We were blessed that our group were all very friendly and we could joke together and even ask each others opinions on the scents.

We were given little strips of paper by the teacher with each type of scent.

We were given scents to sniff in a certain order and were told to grade the scents according to our preference. We would then be required to choose the base note, middle note and top notes, which would create our very own scent. Some of the scents were actually blended by the teacher, so were unique to the shop. After we have chosen our scents we then use the essential oils in front of us and drop a drop on a strip of paper so that we can smell what it would smell like with the combination we choose. It was so hard to pick a scent i liked, I wanted to bring them all home. My classmates and the teacher helped me finalize my choice in the end.

The 3 essential oils/ Scents i choose

The teacher then went around telling all of us the amount we need to put in for each scent. Then we were given a 15 ml spray bottle to first create our scent and test it on our skin. This way we can still decide on what scent needs to maybe be increased or decreased in amount. The problem with this process is that you have to be quick in dropping the appropriate amount of oils, as the weighing scale on registers big changes. So dropping in drops will only cause the scale to remain unchanging.

Once we are satisfied with the result we then choose our bottle and then make our perfume. There were 3 different designs and 2 different stickers to choose from. Once it's done we were given a box and a paper bag to put it in. We are then suppose to store the perfume in a dark area for 2 months before using. I'm soooo in love 😍 with the scent i made. If your curious i made mine citrusy, grapefruit.

Overall i really enjoyed the class. Not only were the class mates great, the teacher was really nice and made the learning enjoyable. She explained everything clearly and went round giving individual help and never rushing us, even when someone is lagging behind in making choices. I might even make another trip there when my perfume runs out 😉

My final product. She even has a little photo area :)

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